Last Updated : May 10, 2022

Can rabbits eat blueberries [Table Nutrition Facts]

Blueberries remain to top the list when it comes to snacks that are perfect all year-round. This fruit contains various nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, potassium, and fiber.

Nutrition FactsRaw Blueberries
Polyunsaturated fat0.1g
Net carbs12.1g
Vitamin A3ÎĽg
Vitamin B60.1mg
Vitamin C9.7mg
Vitamin E0.6mg
Vitamin K19.3ÎĽg
For a Serving Size of 100 grams blueberries

On top of that, it is also filled with antioxidants and simply tastes fantastic. However, with all the different health benefits that you can get from blueberries, can rabbits eat blueberries, too?

Can rabbits eat blueberries

Can bunnies eat blueberries?

Can rabbits have blueberries? Yes, eating blueberries every now and then is safe for rabbits. Even though this fruit is not dangerous to eat for rabbits, it is important to make sure that it isn’t eaten in high amounts. This means that blueberries can make as nice snacks but these should be fed properly to prevent potential health issues.

Can rabbits eat blueberry leaves?

Yes, it is safe for rabbits to eat the leaves of blueberry. In fact, this is the preference of wild rabbits. However, you need to remember that these parts of the blueberry plant don’t offer as much benefits as the fruits themselves.

Can rabbits eat frozen blueberries?

Even though it is safe for bunnies to eat blueberries, you have to remember that those that are frozen and store-bought are not really the best choice for them.

Many people don’t really get the chance to grow their own blueberry bush at home. The good news is that you can purchase these fruits from a nearby farmer’s market.

Blueberry fruits found there are usually a lot fresher, more organic, and healthier in general. If there is no farmer’s market near your area, you can also purchase blueberries at the local grocery stores.

Just make sure that you wash the fresh blueberries first before you feed them to your bunnies to get rid of any chemicals.

Can rabbits eat dehydrated blueberries?

Dehydrated blueberries are basically blueberries with 90% of water content removed from the fruits. Even though it is a pretty easy change that can be done with simple food processors, this means significant difference for rabbits. Bunnies often love the change in texture and flavor of dehydrated blueberries. However, it is important to remember that there are higher sugar levels in dehydrated blueberries so you should only feed it to your rabbits in smaller amounts.

Can wild rabbits eat blueberries?

Wild rabbits can eat blueberries but they will also eat other parts of the plant to balance off the high sugar content of the fruits. If you want to give fruits to wild rabbits, you might want to give them different varieties of berries, including blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries.

Hay is basically the best food item that you can give to wild rabbits. This is safe for them and this is also their favorite. You can give your wild rabbits alfalfa hay, timothy hay, oat hays, or orchard grass. If you wish to give grain to your wild rabbits, you can give them vegetables, rye, wheat, or something similar.

Can pet rabbits eat blueberries?

Blueberries are one of the world’s most nutritious fruits. These treats rich in water are filled with a plethora of antioxidants, folate, vitamin B6, potassium, and fiber. However, while your pet rabbits can eat blueberries, make sure that you only offer these as treats due to the high amounts of fructose or fruit sugar found in these fruits. Excessive amounts of blueberries may lead to dental issues, stomach problems, and obesity.

A rabbit’s diet in the wild is rarely made up of fruits. See to it that you limit the consumption of your pet rabbits to not more than 1 to 2 blueberries a week. Since bunnies are grazing animals, their diets must be mostly made up of grass and hay.

Can dwarf rabbits eat blueberries?

Yes, dwarf rabbits can feed on blueberries but only as all-natural treats. These fruits must never be a major part of the diet of your bunny because consuming excessive amounts of blueberries at once may lead to issues such as digestive distress and weight gain.

Can lionhead rabbits eat blueberries?

Lionhead rabbits eat a combination of raw vegetables and fruits. This means that you can feed them celery, leafy greens, and even blueberries as part of their diet. 

Can dutch rabbits eat blueberries?

It is definitely safe for you to offer a couple of blueberries to your Dutch rabbits. There is no reason for you to panic if your rabbit has managed to munch on one or two without you looking. 

Being herbivores, rabbits feed mainly on plants. These animals get all their necessary nutrients from plant matter. Rabbits in the wild will consume different varieties of fibrous green plants and they may also affect the environment’s general plant growth. 

Thus, it makes perfect sense for owners to want to give their rabbits a rich variety as part of their domestic diets. While blueberries are not necessary parts of the diet of rabbits, you can use them as occasional treats for your bunnies.

Do rabbits eat blueberries?

Thanks to their sweetness, any rabbit would of course be more than happy to eat them. However, the last thing you want is to compromise your pet’s health.

As for wild rabbis, it is more likely for them to feed on the leaves and stems of a blueberry bush instead of its fruits.

For those pet rabbits you have at home, you will surely want to spoil them with all fruits you can get. However, make sure that you don’t give them a lot. Never spoil your rabbits with plenty or big portions of blueberries. 

Always remember that overfeeding these fruits may lead to dental issues and obesity. A full serving must only a tablespoon or two of the fruit per day.

In addition, it is also important that you mix blueberries with other healthy foods to make sure that your bunny will enjoy the highest level of health benefits. Your rabbits will specifically benefit from the various compounds found in blueberries including antioxidants, vitamins, fruit enzymes, and minerals.

What happens if rabbits eat blueberries?

Back in the wild, rabbits rarely eat fruits. Even blueberries are safe for rabbits to eat, it is best to give it to them as a treat and not as their main food because blueberries are high in fructose, a kind of sugar found in fruits. When your rabbit consume fructose in large quantity, it could cause stomach upset, obesity and dental problem.

Should rabbits eat blueberries?

Rabbits should only eat blueberries as occasional treats. Blueberries are known to offer support for the health of your rabbit as long as you give it to them in the correct amounts. Bunnies can feed on uncooked berries with no serious issues.

Bunnies can also eat dried blueberries and these are not toxic or harmful for them. But, since dried blueberries have higher sugar content, it means that you should only give it to your pet in smaller amounts.

Just like other fruits, blueberries must only be given to rabbits in small quantities as treats and only on occasion instead of every day. One or two blueberries can be given to rabbits once a week. You also need to continue changing the treats by including non leafy veggies such as carrots, cabbages, and bell peppers as well as fruits.

Some other fruits like mangoes, watermelons, apples and oranges with the seeds removed, strawberries, pineapples, pears, raspberries, papaya, peach, and others are safe for your rabbits as well and could be given to them as treats. 

The reason why it is not recommended to give them lots of fruits is due to their high amounts of carbohydrates and sugar, with the digestive system of rabbits not designed to digest cellulose and food items with fat content and low sugar carbohydrate. It means that excess amounts of these berries could lead to diarrhea, stomach upsets, and changes in bowel motility, just to mention a few.

Is blueberries good for rabbits?

Just like how vegetables and fruits suit your own diet, these can be useful for the health of your rabbits, too.  But, certain fruits such as blueberries are known to have high amounts of sugar content.

In spite of this, one or two slices of this fruit can still be considered as healthier compared to yogurt and chocolate that you could get from the groceries. 

Simply put, blueberries are good for rabbits provided that you give these as occasional treats and not really as part of their regular diet. Similarly, blueberries have low calorie content as well and this is why there are no serious possibilities that this will have negative effects on the health of your bunnies.

Actually, blueberries are also good sources of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium that are essential for the skin health and immune system of your pet. This also has vitamin K1 content that is helpful for the bones of your bunnies. Moreover, these fruits also have naturally low fat content. 

Considering the fact that blueberries are made up of 84% water, this only means that the fruit is such a refreshing treat to help keep your pets hydrated, particularly during warm weather.

Once again, blueberries are good for rabbits as long as you serve them only on occasion. These fruits can lower the risks of cancer and heart disease and improve blood circulation. Consuming blueberries in moderation can lower blood sugar levels as well.

How often can rabbits eat blueberries?

Give your little bunny blueberries at most twice per week and mostly as a treat.

Can rabbits eat blueberries daily?

The recommended frequency of giving blueberries to rabbits is only twice a week. It is considered as the safes serving amount that won’t negate the fruit’s health benefits. There are bunnies that are given blueberries almost daily but with smaller portions for every serving. 

How much blueberries can rabbits eat?

Blueberries should only be given as occasional treats, specifically one to two berries for each serving.

How many blueberries are safe for rabbits?

To save your rabbits from the agony that comes with eating too many blueberries, feed them 1 or 2 blueberries per week. Anything more than that is going overboard and will impact negatively on the health of your Rabbit.

Is too much blueberries bad for rabbits?

Once again, blueberries must only be given to bunnies in small amounts occasionally, such as two berries once a week. The high sugar content of these fruits make the almost similar to junk foods for rabbits so giving them too much of these can lead to stomach upsets and other issues that could turn more serious.

Can baby rabbits eat blueberries?

Rabbits aged 7 weeks or younger should never eat blueberries. This is because of the sugar content of the fruits and the fact that baby rabbits have immature digestive system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do rabbits eat blueberry bushes?

Yes, rabbits eat blueberry bushes. Of course, we all know how rabbits in general love to eat grasses, but back in the wild, when grasses are scarce, especially during winter periods, rabbits eat blueberry bushes as an alternative to grass. So yeah, rabbits will definitely eat grasses!

Can Netherland rabbits eat blueberries?

Yes, Netherland rabbits like every other rabbit species can eat as long as it is given to them in moderation.

Can Cottontail rabbits eat blueberries?

Yes, Cottontails, just like every other rabbit breed can eat blueberries as long as it is given to them in moderation.

Can mini lop rabbits eat blueberries?

Yes, your mini lop rabbits wouldn’t get sick from eating blueberries, hence, you can feed them with the fruit just make sure you are not feeding it excessively to them. A good way of ensuring that is by giving it to them as a treat and not as their main food. The same applies to every other species discussed so far in this overview.


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