Last Updated : November 22, 2022

Can dogs be allergic to guinea pigs [6 Signs]

Guinea pigs and dogs can be lived together after some training and their smooth introduction. But can dogs be allergic to guinea pigs? Can diseases transfer from guinea pigs to your dog? I am here to help you to find the answers to these questions, so let’s start.

Is my dog allergic to guinea pigs

It is generally believed that animal allergies are originated from the hair itself. But in reality, there is a substance in the hair and skin that causes the discomfort. Usually, allergies come from saliva, skin moisture, and protein found in urine.

Can dogs be allergic to guinea pigs

A lot of birds and mammal’s pets produce these allergens; guinea pigs are one of them. However, it may cause allergies in both humans and animals.

But when it comes to dogs do they allergic to your pet guinea pig? Yeah! It may be possible because the Guinea piglets belong to the rodents tribe. Numerous people are allergic to rodents, usually more protein in the urine. And dogs, like humans, can be allergic to some environmental allergy. So dogs are more likely to be allergic to guinea pigs.

Moreover, if your dog suddenly starts sneezing and wheezing around the piglet, it could actually be their grass, which is a nuisance. If you or your pet in the house is allergic to weeds and similar plants, try to store guinea pig grass in a dry place and make use of a mask and gloves for safety when cleaning cages.

Signs of being allergic to guinea pigs

Guinea pigs spread allergens in urine. However, an allergen is easily airborne when the pet moves around in the cage. The common symptoms include runny nose, itchy eyes, itchy skin, persistent cough, shortness of breath, sneezing, wheezing, and anaphylactic shock.

Let’s talk about the different conditions that can be experienced in an allergic reaction to guinea pigs.


Asthma is a disease in which the body airways become contracted and swollen, and excess mucus can form. This can make it difficult to breathe and may lead to cough. In addition, there is a whistling sound when the infected person exhales and has difficulty breathing.


 It is inflammation of the nose and mucous membranes of the nose, characterized by a runny nose and stickiness, and is usually caused by guinea pigs.


Conjunctivitis is also called pink eyes. It includes redness, itching, and tenderness in the eyes. It is also infection or inflammation of the translucent membrane that connects the eyeball and eyelid.


Eczema is also referred to as atopic dermatitis, which causes redness and itchy skin. Atopic dermatitis is chronic and flares up from time to time. A high fever or asthma can accompany it.


Urticaria or hives are characterized by itchy welts. The welts vary in size and repeatedly fade as it appears as the reaction goes its own way. However, if it lasts for more time, then it may be considered a chronic hive.

Contact dermatitis

You or your dog may also experience contact dermatitis that causes the skin to become red or swollen after interacting with an allergen like a guinea pig.

Best antihistamine for guinea pig allergies

If you notice the guinea pig’s allergy symptoms, I mentioned above, in you or your dog pet. First of all, see an allergist and be tested for piglet’s allergies. But before going for an appointment, tell the doctor that you want to get tested for guinea piglets as they may have to order serum.

Immunotherapy, an allergy shot, is the best option for guinea pigs as winning treatment to cure the allergy symptoms with drugs instead. It can take more than 18 months to cure properly. People or pets (dogs) suffering from breathing difficulties can enjoy relief, as this therapy provides an excellent opportunity to treat allergies, which for many people lead to asthma attacks.

If you or your dog don’t test positive for guinea piglet allergy, consult with your allergist to find the cause. You may be allergic to spin bed or grass. So know the reason first and then go for treatment.

Can dogs get diseases from guinea pigs

Can dogs get diseases from guinea pigs

Various diseases can transfer from guinea pigs to other pets such as dogs and humans as well. Research shows that a bacteria known as C. Caviae causes pink eyes in guinea pigs. And it is mainly detected in dogs, rabbits, and horses.

However, leptospirosis is another disease spread by leptospira bacteria that can be transmitted from guinea pigs to other animals, including dogs. Dogs can be affected by direct contact (from pigs bite) or indirect contact (drinking piglets urine contaminated water).

The symptoms may not appear in dogs for about eight days. Early symptoms may include fever, anorexia, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea. They can also pass bacteria through urine without becoming medically ill. It also endangers other dogs and animals that interact with their urine.

While strictly infected dogs cause severe kidney failure, jaundice, bleeding, liver injury, uveitis, and bleeding in the lungs, which may lead to respiratory problems. These severe clinical symptoms result from harm to the blood vessels, which stops the blood supply to the organs.

However, veterinarians can substantiate the diagnosis after taking the urine and blood samples. In suspected cases, treatments with antibiotics have to be started soon before lab test results confirm the infection to prevent the organ injure. Severely sick dogs need intensive care.

Can guinea pig lice transfer to dogs

Lice disease is also referred to as pediculosis. It is a common active parasitic health problem in Guinea pigs. Lice are the small insects that a guinea pig may have. These tiny insects usually observe in guinea pigs around the ears and neck. In addition to causing discomfort and irritation in guinea piggies, lice can also cause subsequent anemia and loss of blood.

Lice are species-specific; your dogs can’t get lice from your piglet. It means a guinea pig gets the piggies lice. It may not be transferred to your and your pet dog.

Will my dog kill my guinea pig if allergic to guinea pigs

Dogs can kill my guinea pigs. Both animals have a predator and prey relationship. Dogs are aggressive in nature and usually like to attack small rodents such as guinea pigs.  They are always predators because they are inherited from thousands of years of genocide and inherited behavior. You can’t overcome it, but you should be trained at an early age.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether your dog is allergic to guinea pigs or not. If it is not adequately trained, there are 100% chances of your pet piglet hurt by your dog, and it belongs to an aggressive temperament breed.

Studies have shown that dogs can be jealous. If you pay more attention to your pet guinea pigs, they may feel that the “new baby” is a competition. This will lead to animosity between the both pets. Once this happens, your puppy will not like guinea piggies at all.

What should I do if my dog allergic to guinea pigs

Many people love to adopt the dogs and guinea pigs as a pet. But what if your dog is allergic to guinea pigs? Don’t worry. If you follow the below-mentioned tips, you can save your dog from allergies.

Keep both pet alone

The first and most helpful tip is to keep both your dog and guinea pig alone in separate rooms or at different places in your home. If they stay alone, they are no chances to get your dog allergic to the small rodent. Furthermore, don’t let them accessible outside.

Use air purifier

Use an air freshener or air purifier is a quick way to get rid of allergies. As I talk above, guinea pig’s allergies usually spread through the protein when the pet moves into the cage. So an air purifier will remove harmful allergens from your home and keep the dogs safe.

Clean the cage daily

As guinea piglet’s urine the leading cause of allergies. So be regular to clean their cage by using the mask and gloves. It will not only keep your family and other pets safe. But also prevent other diseases which can speed due to poor hygienic conditions.


If your dog gets an allergic reaction spread by a guinea pig. Try to make use of antihistamines, as they are commonly used to relieve allergy symptoms quickly. You can cure your dog’s reaction within two days.


Thus, this was a detailed discussion on how dogs get allergies to form guinea pigs. They have protein in their urine which can be spread through the air or through direct contact.  So try to keep both pets alone in separate cages and use the air purifiers to keep you and your pet safe from allergic reactions. After reading this guide, I hope you will be able to take the necessary steps against guinea pig’s allergies.

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