Last Updated : November 23, 2022

Can dogs eat brie rind

Rinds are the outer layer of brie that forms in the process of making Brie. Brie, on the other hand, originates from France and is the French name for the famous American cheese.

Brie is made from cow’s milk, and it’s usually pale in color. The edibility of rinds is unquestionable, and their flavor depends mainly on the ingredients used and the environment where the process is taking place. A lot of people around the world enjoy having with no reaction caused by having it, but controversies have been trailing the edibility of Brie rinds by dogs. So in this article will be focused on answering the question, “can dogs have Brie rinds?”

Can dogs eat brie rind

This becomes necessary because dogs are friendly pets and are portrayed as the best-known animal friends to humans. We can’t afford to lose them to eating crumbles of Brie rinds thrown away by passersby or droplets after our kids have had some wonderful time eating it. According to a 2018 survey, over 470 million dogs are kept as pets, making them the number one animal pets globally, with cats being the runner-up. So it’s pretty fair enough to make their welfare our concern and make their health our priority.

Brie rinds can come in different forms, depending mainly on the process involved in making them. Some of the types are washed rind, bloomy rind, natural rind, etc. To avoid unnecessary derailment, refer are enjoined to read more about the different forms because dogs react differently to each form. Therefore, the subsequent section shall be dedicated to addressing the frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the edibility of Brie rinds by dogs.

Can dogs have Brie rinds

Yes, dogs can have Brie rinds but not all the types as some have certain reactions on dogs generally. However, the Parmesan Brie rind known as Parmigiano-Reggiano in Italy could offer some notable benefits. After some observation, it was discovered that dogs enjoy gnawing while having parmesan rinds and also makes their canine stronger.

Do dogs like brie rinds

This depends largely on the reaction of the rinds on the dog. Dogs are very sensitive animals and they tend to respond negatively to anything that could affect them in any way. So if after having it for the first time and the dog develops some illness as a result, then the dog might be reluctant to have it the second time. But like I earlier postulated, dogs enjoy parmesan rinds and there’s no known reaction attributed to having Parmesan brie rinds so it can be given as a treat occasionally in moderation with their regular dietary plan.

Should dogs eat brie rinds

Yes, dogs should eat brie rinds as they are completely safe and healthy as they protect the inside from microorganisms that may infect the brie during production. Plus Brie rind is rich in calcium especially parmesan rind.

Is Brie rind safe for dogs

Yes, it’s safe for dogs to have brie rinds as they are rich in calcium and calcium is important for the dog’s diet and contributes largely to their growth, healthy bones and teeth, and proper muscle building. However, I wouldn’t recommend that you make Brie rind their major source of calcium.

How often can dogs eat brie rinds

 This largely depends on the dietary routine of the dog plus I wouldn’t recommend that you make brie rind a regular food for your dog because we’ve got hundreds of other nutritious food out there that could be of more benefit to your dog. I would recommend occasionally but with the help of your veterinarian.

Can dogs have brie rind every day

No! Brie rind is best served occasionally

Can puppies eat brie rind

No puppies shouldn’t be fed brie rind because their teeth are not strong enough to actually break it down plus they might have problems with digestion. It is not even advisable for them to have Brie and some other dairy products because it can cause some problems like gas, diarrhea, and vomiting.


It is safe to let your dogs (definitely not puppies) have brie rind but not without consulting your veterinarian as they are in the best position to provide advice on the best food suitable for your dog.

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