Last Updated : December 3, 2022

Can Dogs eat Tahini? [Facts & Tips]

Tahini is a delicious condiment that many people love. However, can dogs eat tahini? Before sharing it with your pup, it is important to know what tahini is made of and how you should feed it to your dog.

Can your dog eat tahini

Yes, your dog can eat tahini safely but only in moderate amounts. Tahini is non-toxic and can even be good for your pup.

Can dogs eat tahini

Tahini is made from sesame seeds that offer several health benefits. However, since canines cannot digest sesame seeds that well, they will be able to get more nutritional benefits from tahini paste compared to sesame seeds themselves.

What is tahini made of

If you love the sesame seed flavor, there is a big chance that you will also enjoy tahini. This is an ingredient found in hummus and is also added to many recipes in the Middle East.

Tahini paste or sauce is made from sesame seeds that are roasted and hulled. Sesame seeds come from sesame flowers and these are common ingredients used in different parts of the world in various types of foods.

Sesame seed nutritive facts per 10 gramsNutrient Value
Monounsaturated fat0.1g
Polyunsaturated fat0.1g
Vitamin A6.4IU
Aspartic acid0.5g
Glutamic acid1.1g

Nutritional value of tahini

If you have plans to share tahini with your pup, you will probably want to know what it can offer to your pup. Thankfully, this paste has a significant nutritional value that you and your dog can enjoy.


Tahini has a good amount of copper in it. As a pet parent, you know that adding a sufficient amount of copper to the diet of your dog is important for iron production and red blood cell production.


Fiber is a natural mineral that can be found in many vegetables. Fiber offers several excellent benefits for humans and dogs alike. Getting an adequate amount of fiber will make sure that your pup won’t suffer from digestive problems. This can help in dealing with constipation. However, you need to be careful with the amount of fiber that you feed your pup because excessive amounts of it may lead to loose stool.


Another important mineral found in tahini paste is iron due to its important role in blood synthesis. Hemoglobin is the protein responsible for carrying oxygen through blood cells. Iron is the specific mineral that produces hemoglobin. Failure to get adequate amounts of iron may make dogs suffer from the iron deficiency that can lead to risks of anemia.


Another beneficial mineral that you can find in tahini is manganese. Manganese is known to promote a better health system and bone health. This mineral functions much better if your dog gets adequate amounts of other micronutrients like copper, zinc, and calcium.


Tahini also has a fair amount of selenium that can be very beneficial for the diet of your dog. Selenium has antioxidant properties that slow down cellular aging due to oxidation. This can also address several disorders including skin problems, inflammatory bowel disease, and seizures.


The diet of your dog should also include sufficient amounts of zinc that are essential for the prevention of stunt growth and healthy brain function.

Zinc is also important for your pup to have a shiny and healthy coat. You need to remember that is a common issue for dogs to suffer from zinc deficiency. Zinc deficiency is linked with skin problems in many dogs so supplementation of this is necessary.

Health benefits and nutrition of tahini for dogs

Tahini offers a lot of beneficial nutrients for canines. A lot of people argue that ordinary wet or dry dog food must provide them with all the necessary nutrients in ideal amounts. Unfortunately, the truth is that most of the time, commercial dog foods only contain filler and low-quality ingredients. Even worse is that there are several commercial dog foods found to be bad for canines.

Meanwhile, sesame seeds can be considered a nutritional and all-natural powerhouse. Similar to other types of seeds, these are excellent sources of healthy fatty acids and protein. They also contain high amounts of calcium, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B1, and zinc.

Aside from these, sesame seeds are also excellent sources of dietary fiber together with several special substances like sesamolin and sesamin that belong to the family of fibers known as lignans. Lignans are shown to lower blood pressure, boost vitamin E stores, lower cholesterol, and keep the liver protected from oxidative damage.

Peanut butter vs tahini

Peanut butter and tahini offer the same benefits for canines. However, there are several things you should watch out for when it comes to peanut butter. For instance, many peanut butters that you can find in local supermarkets is not only made from ground peanuts alone.

These can also contain some additional ingredients that are not recommended for dogs such as sugar or worse, these can also contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is not only toxic but can even be fatal for canines.

Peanut butter may also contain high amounts of sodium that is unsafe for dogs. This is why many experts suggest that only unsalted peanut butter should be given to dogs.

One more concern with peanut butter is that you cannot drizzle it over your dog’s food, unlike tahini. Tahini is more of a liquid than a paste, letting you pour it over the food of your dog easily. Peanut butter must be spooned in scoops to put on the food and whenever you do this, your dog might end up eating the entire clump of peanut butter, leaving behind the rest of his food.

But, if you use tahini, you can be sure that your dog will finish all of his food and lick his dish clean, completely satisfied. Since tahini is ground sesame seeds, there is no need for you to worry about salt, added sugar, or others.

Can your dog have tahini paste

As mentioned earlier, tahini paste is almost similar to peanut butter. Tahini paste is produced by toasting the sesame seeds and forming a thick paste. Your dog can eat it safely and it might even be healthy for him, as long as you give it in just moderate amounts.

Sesame seeds are rich in healthy fatty acids and proteins. They also contain copper, calcium, manganese, and vitamin B1. They also contain sesamolin and sesamin that are proven to help in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

However, you have to be careful with the amount that you give to your dog, particularly if your dog is a bit lazy. This paste is very dense in calories, with 2 tablespoons already containing 190 calories.

Just like humans, if your dog eats more calories than what he burns off, he might end up gaining weight. This means that if your pup is having a hard time with his weight, you have to be careful with the amount of tahini paste you give them.

Can your dog have sesame paste

Yes, your dog can have sesame paste although it will be much better if you just put a small amount of sesame paste on the food of your dog instead of giving him sesame seeds. There is a big chance that your dog will end up pooping undigested seeds.

Some people might argue that when you buy nutrient-dense dog treats and healthy dog food, you should avoid adding anything else to it. You also need to be careful when adding calories to an overweight dog’s diet. Weight issues may end up increasing the risks of heart issues in dogs as well.

This means that it is safe for canines to have sesame paste and this can be added on top of their food as tasty treats now and then.

Can your dog have sesame seed butter

Yes, dogs can have sesame seed butter. This can even serve as a great peanut butter alternative. Compared to tahini, sesame seed butter tends to taste a little bit bitterer since this is made using unhulled sesame seeds. However, since the hull and everything else is grounded up, it is also denser in calories and nutrients. You just need to be extra careful with the amount they eat since this contains lots of calories.

Making homemade tahini for your dog

Homemade tahini contains two ingredients and you can drizzle this on top of your dog’s food after making it.

The recipe is very easy and simple to follow. All you need are olive oil, hulled sesame seeds, and high powered blender. Tahini sauce will be smoother if you use a better blender.

Sesame seeds are salty and nutty by nature so there is no need for you to add salt and this is a good thing since dogs don’t need additional salt to their food. Avocado oil can also be used in place of olive oil.

You can then keep some of it in the refrigerator for your pup to eat while the rest can be used for homemade hummus. Of course, you should never share hummus with your dog as this is not recommended for them.

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